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Proteste in Bukarest

Proteste in Bukarest [1] Nicht nur in Griechenland kommt es im Zusammenhang mit “Antikrisenmaßnahmen” zu Protesten. Am 19. Mai fand in Bukarest eine große Protestdemonstration mit 60.000 TeilnehmerInnen statt.
In einem Bericht über diese Demonstration heißt es:
The main cause that triggered the massive TU and Social Meeting in Bucharest on 19th of May was the announcement of the President on the 6th of May according to which, besides the anti-social measures already taken in the name of the so-called ‘Anti-Crisis Plan’, salaries in the entire Public Service sector would be cut off by 25%, pensions cut off by 15%, alimonies cut off by 25%, students’ scholarships cut off by 15% to 25%, social aids for the new-born cut off, and aids for the unemployed cut off so as to suit the demands of the IMF in terms of Crisis management and avoidance of economic and financial collapse of the country.
Since the real average salary in Romania is about 210 Euros per month, the minimum wage is about 140 Euros per month and most elderly get a pension of about 100-250 Euros per month, such a measure might well cause not only a dramatic increase of poverty, but also an all-out social genocide. For a correct analysis, it is worth remembering that such miserable salaries are paid in a country where the prices of the basic products and utilities are the same or even higher than in most of the EU countries.
The main aims of the social uprising that led to the Great TU Meeting in Bucharest are:
– Stopping the criminal measure of cutting off salaries, pensions, alimonies and social aids in the Public Sector;
– Forcing the extremely rich political class and clientele, MPs, Government Institutions, Government Agencies, who have been paid from public funds/state budget obscene salaries that range anything between 1,000 to 50,000 Euros per month (there are over 100,000 Public Servants in State Agencies, Ministries, and in the Government who are paid higher salaries than the President of the country), pay themselves for the Crisis that was inflicted upon the society due to their greed, incompetence and corruption;
– Making the Government change the Letter of Agreement with the IMF which is to be sent to the IMF on Wednesday, 26th of May, in terms of complying with the required reduction of the budgetary deficit by other means than cutting off salaries, pensions, alimonies, and social aids;
– Since this Government proved only corruption, greed, incompetence and irresponsibility, bringing the country to the brink of disaster, they should fall and leave.

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